Okay, Sooz of the awesome Last Biscuit blog (together with Danda of Dandaworld!) is directly responsible for this! And this:
Air purifier #1! And pretty purple air purifier #2 of unindentified name!
(Air in the atticks can get mighty bad! I think these two are helping! Plus they are pretty!)
The orange cupboard is a retro vintage authentic piece my Mum's had since the 70's (I think) and it makes me happy too! The small wicker basket above is a cute random tiny basket that I repurposed as GTD inbox to keep stuff organized!
I've had the blackboard for years (Dad made Sis and me each one when we were kids, later I used it for teaching kiddies, and then it lay in the atticks forgotten - until recently!) Dad's made the art painting gizmo years ago too, and then I mostly didn't use it! (air system in the atticks not enough for a studio! - I still have a board that could be used for art too, the one bought for painting was too heavy & I mostly never used it!)
I repurposed this for jotting down things to do on computer, because it is too big to ignore! (Hopefully - my new goal is to change or tweak time management systems weekly to keep up inspiration & novelty factor!)
The home office (and the rest of the atticks) is still in the process of organizing!
They are all things that make me happy, and they are making my home office more beautiful! :) So that's 5, right?
Sooz nominated me for a Happy 101 award!

The rules: List 10 things that make you happy.
Try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
For those 10 bloggers who get the award, link back to my blog..... of course if you want to!
So, what's the rest?
6) ORGANIZING - call me crazy, but I adore it! I LOVE bringing order into chaos: be it in closets, or elsewhere! :)
7) books - adore them too!!
I recently read a lot of cool books and hope to report more about them later on!
One of them is Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher - a book for scanners, people with too many interests! :) (That's me!)
8) my friends - online & offline!!*
9) #ideaparty every Thursday over at Twitter - bring a wish and an obstacle!
Barbara Sher herself and many other AWESOME peope with COOL ideas make it super exciting!!
10) Japanese Drama - laugh all you wish, it's tremendously inspiring - crazy plots, strong women & cute boys! What else do you need? :D
Plus, in Hana Yori Dango (or Boys Over Flowers, crazy Japanese word game noone fully understands!) a whole episode or more are devoted to a reusable bento box and a cloth handkerchief!! (PS Am in love with one of the co-stars there, sigh!!)
*And that includes all of you awesome bloggers out there!! :)
Actually Sooz has listed many of you already!!
My Zero Waste *and* The LittleGreen Blog (Did you know The Little Green Blog was first?:)
The Rubbish Diet
Blah to Tada
Easy Eco to Go
All of you inspire me to be more eco! :)
So I'll add new awesome people - check 'em out!
Rachel at ProNagger.com - The idea of nagging people for money kinda appeals to me immensely, he he!!
Oh, and she's legally blind! She says, "first blind chic to get an MFA from UofM in "visual" arts...I have a LOT to say about creativity, it's power and pull" WOW!
Check out her blog, it's full of COOL ideas and inspiration!! She helps artists finish things etc!
ScannerTribe blog led by the awesome Skannie! If you want to know more about scanners (or suspect you are one, lots of info and links there!)
Nukapai.typepad.com - Don't you just LOVE a blog with the title Tomorrow Could Be Boring? lol! (Of course, she's a scanner too!) I bet it's not boring where she lives! Wants to learn pottery & jewelry making, & she lives next to London, WOW!!
Love some of her thoughts on time management too!
Breanne of Sententia.net: another scanner with thoughts & ideas for time management & personal productivity!
The Lonely Craftivist that became Craftivist Collective (Craft + Activism = Craftivism!:) Also check out their fabulous website & youtube account (with a video on how to make a mini protest banner!
kAy of Gurly Things who's totally gorgeous & loves to go more eco too!! (Yes, I know I'm still due to post about the orange eco things, haven't forgotten! Actually one of them is posted here already!:)
Sassy Scribbles because she has been to Japan, lives in the exotic Phillipines (where incinerators are banned!) and hangs out with politicians' wives! :) and seems like an overall inspiring person! Love her motto: "I'm in love with life... there's just so much to see, feel, listen to...with so many books waiting to be read, places to be traveled... I hardly scratched a surface!!!"
And check out these awesome cloth bags!! :)
The KissJournals a simple living blog (that needs more readers! :) and equally awesome HotBellyMama now Mimi's Mom! The blog of city slickers who moved to the country! Very inspiring!
Accidental Environmentalist 'Home of the Need-a-Bag? Project!'(They collect reusable bags and make sure they come into new loving hands!) because of her motto: "Do you ride a bicycle to work because your car's in the shop? Do you bathe only every other day because you're just too dang lazy? Welcome to Accidental Environmentalism!" LOL She makes it okay to be eco just because you're lazy, he he!! Needs & deserves more readers!! :)
(And here's to all who say living eco is 'more' difficult - duh!)
It's easy! (often easier than not being green!)
That's not 10 yet, but I'm way too sleepy! :) Oops, or is it 10 already? LOL!
And Sooz, your blog makes me happy too!! :)
I really love your air purifiers! <3
ReplyDeleteI was just looking at air purifiers (the non-eco ones you find at the store) and i think yours are way better! <3
I have a small cactus in my room right now :P
Thank you so much for your Happy award!! <3 You always make me so happy!!! :)
Awww Thanks Layla! What a lovely blackboard, and plants too ;D yey! You inspire me to be more eco too :) I especially admire how you seem to raise more awareness in your community - like talking to the priest and getting the scouts to be more eco friendly - you're brilliant!
ReplyDeleteLayla!Thanks so much! YOU make me happy for all these wonderful things you do for the environment, you are an inspiration! In fact, I have planted a few to put inside my house as well! ^_^
Aw, thanks! I'm glad you enjoy what I do! I love coming by to see all the things you do to try to make your corner of the world a little greener!
ReplyDeletehey, cool blog,thanks for reading mine.. email me your email, so i can talk to you more! take care! (mzrogue@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteI have one of that second plant also! I'm not sure what it is called either.
ReplyDeleteI like organizing things like yourself, and JDramas. I'm currently watching Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend). It is a guilty pleasure for me!
Thanks, you awesome ladies!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you exist - cause you inspire me by just existing! (And of course blogging about it!:)
kAy, we have lots of small cacti too - I adored them at a time & had them in my room, then I heard it's better to not have them in bedroom, better near entrance door to chase off intruders, if necessary!:) says feng shui-??
Sooz & Sassy, the inspiration is mutual!
Great to hear about planting pretty air purifiers too!
I used to think I was hopeles with plants, so far they are still alive! :)
Julia, isn't it great how there's people all over the world going greener!! :)
Mary, love your blog! Have e-mailed you - hope you got my mail?
Chewbear, love your blog too! 'Science before breakfast', what a great concept!
Let's hope we'll find out what the pretty purple plant is called!
Sis and I watched Absolute Boyfriend and loved it (except maybe the ending, but I won't tell you what it is!!) Yes, it is a guilty pleasure, lol!